The Moon, the Earth, and Theia, created the perfect conditions for life to develop on earth. All feminine aspects of the Creator Mother, their stories are intertwined and fascinating.
Scientists have long agreed that a Mars size planet, named Theia, smashed into the ancient primeval Earth, sending a huge mass out that eventually evolved into our perfect Moon. Now proof may lie deep within our Earth’s core. Two continent size pieces lie near the mantle. They possibly are the remains of the alien planet that struck our earth.
The ancient earth, before life took hold, has been known in legends as Tiamat. Ancient Babylon calls her the Dragon of chaos. In addition, She is the primordial goddess of the sea, whose body was torn apart by a fireball from the cosmos. Now pieces lie deep within that may be parts of that fireball planet.
They sit below West Africa and the Pacific Ocean. Latest seismic equipment show them to be denser and chemically different from the surrounding matter. As a result, newest research says they could be alien pieces within our earth.
I’ve always felt ancient legends were based on some seed of truth. They are part of our layers of stories as humans. How could the ancients create such an amazing tale of the birthing of our Moon?
To me, the Moon is our Grandmother, and Earth our Mother. The Moon made Earth livable by stabilizing the wobble of Earth on her axis. Also, Grandmother Moon created the tides governing all water to be in rhythm, forming cycles for evolving life.
The Moon, the Earth, and Theia, a magical trio for Creation
So this Mother’s Day, let’s honor our Celestial Mothers, the birthers of the stars, the creators of planets, and the land we walk on. Get out to walk the land of our Greatest Mother. Plant something in her honor. Beautify her body, nourish her forests, and celebrate her Moonlight, Sunrise, and Breath of Life. Feel the heart of Her, savor the scent of Her, and bring the beauty of Her into your life.
More inspiration at www.patsartfulllife.com. Get this Moon Over The Ridge Limited Edition of just 10 signed & numbered prints at my Etsy Shop, along with others of spirit animals, the sea, and enchanted lands. Remember Mother’s Day or any special someone any day!

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