how do you create magic today

How Do Your Create Magic Today?

Fall Mystery, Finding your Magic today, Soul Art

How do you create Magic today? Creating in the Magical Mode takes a new approach. You have to seek the different, the unique, the ‘what will keep me evolving’ in this moment feeling. To get there, you have to enter the Unknown, the vast void of what you haven’t done before, and the place of taking a chance with something new. Here is where the surprises lie.

First of all, we begin by stepping back away from the world, and instead, focusing on our own personal issues. Allow the others to find their own way. That’s why we’re here. We discover our loves, our paths, and our stories as we make our choices throughout the day. As we fill our day, we fill our lives. What fills your day today? How can you bring magic into what you choose?

Secondly, what’s magical for you? What art creation will fill you with a lightness of being, a pride in accomplishment, and bring more play and fun into your being? Some love sparkles, painting vibrant colors, the interaction of animals, or things like wands, crowns, and stars. Make it, create it, find images of it for a journal. In addition, surround yourself with what you love and more of it will come your way. Always create for the incredible feeling that fills you in the doing. This isn’t for anyone else but your own magical place to live.

Thirdly, as you Flow in your art, you Flow in your life. Always do the best you can with what you’ve got. Everyone has aches & pains some days, but finding the easy way to handle any situation will move you forward in art and life. Most of all, remember that your essence is a spirit experiencing life in a body. This is how to learn, grow, and heal. Choose what you love, the colors that most sooth you, and make some beauty today. What Shines your Light today?

I’ve hurt my left wrist cutting through some hard small watermelons. What a poor excuse to hurt my dominant hand. Every day, I see white healing light filling my body, radiating through all my joints and organs, as I say that I Am Flowing and Flexible in all I choose to do this day. Also, I add, that I Handle everything this day with ease, love, and joy. This is how healing works. Create the good stories, the miraculous healing ones, and envision yourself glowing in the light of perfection.

Lastly, our attitudes, beliefs, and stories we tell ourselves, shift our entire approach to life. Begin by saying this is a day of soul art, beauty, and energy. So, tell yourself a new story of your Hero’s outlook, feelings, and goals. Your body listens to everything you tell it. See yourself living in abundance, having many happy gatherings, and feeling healthy and flowing easily in all you do. The more emotion and feelings you generate for this amazing end result, the more the Universe will send your way. That’s how energy flows freely.

How do you create Magic today?

The best way to get to this magical place is to just start. Start with any feeling that strikes you today. I make sketches, a raven, a barn, the new moon. Then there are rabbits and the whole metaphor for life that our Buns used her cage as a retreat from company. One person’s cage is another’s refuge. Being isolated during a pandemic can be an art retreat if you want it to.

Join me at Pat Gullett Designs for more art, inspiration, and direction during these unique times. How will you create Magic today? Tell me below.

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