Dreaming The Future World: I’m playing with this idea of stepping back, standing safely behind the short wall, and following my heart’s intuition. Instead of repeating the past of joining the gang during holidays, what if we realize that all we do today creates our intentional, amazing, future filled with differences, choices, and mindfulness. A New World calls for New Rituals, new fun, new opportunities, and new attitudes.
This is an opportunity to Reset ourselves and create the life of our dreams that have yet to be dreamt. What would that Future World look like?
Thunderhead, A World of Power and Beauty
Future World would be different, magical, filled with surprising mysteries and wonder. It would be something unimaginable from our past life. Beginning with awareness, we pay attention to our feelings. Our heart intuition, and our gut instinct will always steer us in the right direction. But we must be listening. We can’t follow like sheep or just react from habit. Pause and listen in everything you do. The Art of Listening opens portals to Consciousness. This is the new way to live. Mindful Energy in action has consequences that seem to swing right back at us quickly these days. Trusting Self is Everything. Nothing is worth being a number in a pandemic. Keep your body, mind, and soul healthy and thriving.
The Visitation, Hummingbird of Pure Magical Spirit arrives to astonish and amaze, Print offered at Etsy
Secondly, how are you using these day after day opportunities to grow, be more, and develop your gifts for the world? Who are you Becoming in this new land of adventure? Create some beauty in your personal life. Art is a reflection of your inner spirit and feeds your soul. What have you loved since you were a kid? Return to the Art, nature, crafts, journaling, scrapbooking, the hands on making that offers wonderful ways to immerse yourself and create something that never existed before. You lose track of time. Each piece becomes a memory of this day in your life, a visual diary of your innermost thoughts.
First Blue Moon Over Water, Bring the soothing Beach Full Moon home, Prints available
Dreaming the Future World Flows
Flow creates power, ease, and direction. You always know what to do next. All you have to do is make a choice! Plus, by not choosing, you are passively making a choice, BUT not moving forward! A choice is just a decision. If it doesn’t work out, make another choice. Most of all, keep your energy moving. Don’t get stuck. This ripples out to the Universe and influences others to keep moving forward. In addition, it opens new personal doors for you. Possibilities are endless in the world of Flow.
Dreaming the Future, So I changed the name of the landscape to Dreaming the Future World
In conclusion, find a mentor who encourages you to greatness! We all have them. Someone who just by their being, their creating, their shining, moves us forward to do more, create better art, or just be more soulful. Furthermore, they may even spark competitive feelings within us, but ultimately we achieve more in the long run. Maybe they are an online teacher, or someone who’s art you love, or even one you admire for their never give up attitude. Life is always throwing people and experiences in our lives to initiate growth. Most of all, we’re here to explore, experience, and live deeply each and every precious day of our lives.
Be sure to check out my Gratitude Photo Album at Pat’s Art Full Life. I’d love to know what you think of all the above and what your Future World looks like!
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