Light of the New Moon, igniting your inner fire, creating your story of Safe & Secure feelings
Your Story of Safe and Secure is all about creating that feeling inside. The reality today is that to be truly protected means social distancing. The only way to relax and know you’re not killing your loved ones by gathering, is to do it remotely. Facetime, Skype, Zoom are just a few choices to do this right.
I know when I feel safe. Happily, I have a dentist and retina specialist who know how to to this right. In both cases, I was the only patient being seen, one at a time. First, my visit began with a temp taking. Excellent! The staff & I rubbed antiseptic on our hands, then proceeded to testing in sterilized rooms, and hallway. I was never in an enclosed room for longer than 10 min. The air was sprayed with Lysol, because Covid is Airborn. Never forget that! I felt cared for, protected, and at ease.
Never let them close the door & make you wait for 15 min. Take control, get up & out into the hall, & tell them why. There’s no excuse for poor management. Rules are in place and need to be followed in everything we do.
This holiday season is no different. We must fill our inner self with the secure and safe feelings we’ve known in the past. Create your inner story of the perfect home, parents, and memories that will carry you forward in this unique time. This is bringing in the Light of Knowing and living in truth.
Imagine the perfect Mother, protector, heart of the home. I think of all the goodness of my mother. She would be cooking early in the morning, planning the meal, times, and presentation for the gathering of any who had nowhere to go. I was filled with calm and peace knowing all was taken care of. The home filled with comfort, wonderful aromas, and plenty of everything!
Create the perfect Father. My dad was a quiet man, but there was no doubt he was the rock of the family. No one ever wanted to disappoint him. Here was the bedrock of the home. None of us had to worry about feeling safe enough to pursue our own dreams. Our Foundation was secure. Therefore, Life is always what you Believe it Is!
In addition, these archetypes are within each of us. Holding these Guardians close to our hearts, helps ground us as we move through life. Instead of controlling every detail, we can be flexible, handle every situation with ease, and allow life to unfold in its own perfect way. This frees up our body to keep energy moving, allows pain to heal, and makes our inner Light, our consciousness, Shine on to the world.
Your Story of Safe and Secure releases the Fear
I’m exploring painting the Light. As I paint brilliant layered glazes and tones, I want my art to reflect my inner spark, illumination, and fire of passion. Plus, this is painting with consciousness and intention. Also, this opens me to living life to the fullest every day.
Besides, I can’t gather in fear of catching something airborne, the size smaller than a pinhead, that may be floating in a vast sea of gathering people. This isn’t fun. These are not the memories I want to create. I can’t live in denial of the truth of living and dying these days. But I can create inner peace, love, and beauty each day. That’s what I’m most Thankful for!
Here’s a gift for you. See how to paint with the light of glowing oil pastels. Oil pastels were created for painters who wanted to be able to draw with the same luminescent quality of their painted art. Create brilliant color, shapes, and form each day. Plus, bring play back into your life.