About Me
The Art of the Dreamtime by Pat Gullett

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”
-Thomas Merton
To me, Doing Art has always been magic. We take an idea, feeling, belief, something invisible, and we interpret it with symbols to make it visible to the World. Color, line, and texture, express our feelings. This is an Inner Journey, away from the cares of the world. In this sacred sanctuary, we hear whispers of intuition, develop trust in our Selves, and allow instinct to guide us on the Path. It’s an experience unlike any other. It’s Art Magic, Art Alchemy that’s good for your body, heart and soul. Art is a Visual Meditation that feeds the Soul!
Art has sustained me though life’s challenges and changes, sorrow and joy. I find and define myself over and over again with art.
Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. …it transcends the limitations of language. Manly Hall
Born in Chicago, my career was teaching high school and adult art. I also sold my art at art fairs there, before moving to the Enchanted Forest of Connecticut.
Art, inspiration, and wonder continue to inform me of who I am Becoming. I am the Creator of my Life, as well as my art, as each keeps evolving, shifting, and changing with new experiences to learn and grow.
Today, my art reflects my metaphysical and spiritual beliefs. I am part of a grand evolving Universe of Cosmic proportions. The skies, Light, Sun, Moon and stars represent the malleable Heavens above. Landscapes, caves, stone walls, the Enchanted Forest, artifacts of lives past, and ancient mountains are symbols of Earth. Solid, grounded, physical life, is only one small spectrum visible to the human eye. The Spirit Animals are guides and aspects of ourselves and Nature. A House appears as a metaphor for our Body, the Temple of the Soul. While the Sea is the flow of consciousness, spirit, emotion, movement, and timelessness, existing in the Now. Together they express the Wonder and Magic of our Lives in a changing multi-dimensional Universe.
“Life is but a dream within a Dream” Edgar A. Poe
Join me on our journey together with Dreamtime Art and insight. Sign up for my blog for a weekly life focus.
Often, we leave our art behind when we need it most. Come back to art, and find yourself again. Doing Art is the truest expression of your soul.
I’m so grateful for Art and for you all who are drawn to the Work.
Doing Art Makes Us Human.
Everyone is an artist. We are born to it. The best art is a personal expression of your soul. It’s fun, easy, and flows naturally.
Two of my images were featured on book covers with Llewellyn Publishers.

‘We live in a Universe beyond the Imagination.’ Neil deGrasse Tyson