Steps to a Successful Journey
If your are new to The Dreaming, also known as the journey to Other Worlds, it will help to follow these steps.
- Sit or lay down comfortably, so you can relax your whole body. A blanket might be good to have since some get cold when they journey.
- The biggest hurdle is overcoming Self Limitations. Entering the Unknown can raise up fear due to how we were raised, schooling, and basic beliefs. Anxiety can be shifted into excitement, if you allow it. This is a fun experience are you are the Driver of your car. No one else is taking over. A third is Doubt. The Doubter wants to say you’re making it all up. So let’s tell our fear that we’re on an adventure, shift anxiety into excitement for a new experience, and tell the Doubter to take a walk.
- In the beginning, many use a Theta tape to get into the right frame of mind. They usually last about 15 min, can be bought online, and are a repetitive tone, drumming, or rattle sound. It is the galloping horse carry you on the adventure. At the end, there usually is a signal with a quick, fast repetition of sound that the journey is ending. That’s when you quickly return the same way you came.
- You may hold a crystal, piece of jewelry, or stone to help bring you back. I have a favorite crystal that has been my companion many times.
- Know that you are the Traveler on your journey. You’re connecting with your soul or Higher Self who will always lead you right.
- On return, get grounded. Stretch, Breath deeply, tap your body or your feet, walk a bit. Be sure you’re all back home again.
- Journal everything that you saw, experienced, or encountered. Sometimes a boulder on the path that you move there, will unblock your path here.
- Remember, Journeys are an exciting experience and the more you do, the easier they become. Now I’m there just by seeing it in my mind’s eye.
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