Raven Alchemy, collage, mixed media, creating in the moment
Alchemy in the time of Covid, reminds me of the ancient philosopher’s stone that can cure every ailment. The medieval scientists thought they could take the base metals, and combine them in some magical way, to create the ‘elixir of life’. Today’s philosopher’s stone is the vaccine to prevent or cure the pandemic virus. Just as the gold of immortality drew the ancients into deeper learning, the real secret was the inner transformation of the human spirit. The enlightenment was trading the cluelessness of the times for the gnosis, the deepest inner knowing of oneself.
And here we are again, seeking the ‘Light’, a ‘cure’, all the while raising our consciousness to become more aware of life. Plus, we see every action matters, and our choices hold consequences. Alchemy made men more aware, just as we must be to get through these uncertain times.
Raven Alchemy is a mixed media painting just completed this last week to reflect these thoughts. Built up piece by piece, layer by layer, each image/color led to another. As we head towards the feast of Light, Winter Solstice, I’m drawn back to power animals, magic, and symbolism. When I do these, there’s not a lot of thinking going on. This is how I tap into flow, and create in the moment.
Alchemy Symbols Collage
Alchemy in the Time of Covid begins with Symbols
I have many alchemy symbols sheets saved, and just intuitively see which ones call to me. These I print out, tear into shapes and attach randomly to my heavy watercolor paper. Overlapping images tie them all together. I like that some have a tone to them, while others are white. I attach them with acrylic medium, used like a glue.
Next come the blended background colors. Color brushed on, with some ‘baby wiped’ off so the symbols show through. Textures also appear over the background acrylic medium. This becomes a substrate filled with the illusions of 3-D elements and is an interesting painting all by itself.
Raven Files
Finally I gather some raven pictures to get the size, movement, and proportions correct. I lightly sketch the ravens over the painting with watersoluable neocolor crayons. Overlapping and size create depth and a new composition. They are looking at the large alchemy symbol as well as the yellow Full Moon. All eyes lead to that and it works.
How do you begin a work of art? Living the Artist’s Life is the new title of my past Art Tips posts. They will have more art, inspirational thoughts, and insights as to how I live the creative life. Often, I don’t know how it will all end up, so I just begin with the parts I ‘know’. Collage, torn elements, drawing with crayons are all great ways to get going on the canvas. Play can be anything, and then allow that to lead to the next steps. Trust intuition to get you there. Let me know what works for you in creating art. What’s your Light look like?
Does art reflect your life? Make it meaningful by becoming a part of your personal view. See more insights at my blog, Pat’s Art Full Life.
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