How to Deepen Your Art Practice

deepen your art practicr
Island Caves, British Virgin Islands, Magic! Now Available as a print

Deepen Your Art Practice by being loyal to your dream of Being an Artist. Revolve your day around your Art. Make that your business. Devote your energy to doing all in your power to be inspired, grow, and learn on your artistic journey every day.

First of all, this, like anything you love, must be easy to access. Have supplies out and waiting, put an easel with a canvas in your path, and leave artistic inspiration around every day. I’ve heard of people having their children’s musical instruments left out where they can just pick them up at anytime of the day. It encourages more doing without any effort.

Have an art journal to jot down ideas as you do the mundane things in life. Ideas flow throughout the day, you just have to be tuned in to receive them. Like when driving, washing your hair, or doing dishes, you are not really ‘thinking’ over things that are habits, so inspiration can enter when you least expect it.

Deepen your art practice by clearing your space. Organize your art place, removing all the old blueprints/motivations/strategies that no longer work in this time. Only keep around books/magazines/folders of pretty pictures that you really need and use for your art. If you put as much energy into living a creative life as you put into planning a getaway vacation in the past, you’d soar like an eagle. What worked last year is obsolete this year.

This is a time of deep listening to your inner voice. To thrive, you must follow your heart, not your head. What works in this world is very likely something you’ve never thought of before.

Keep an art journal to ask questions about every art piece you create. This practice will teach you so much about yourself, your abilities, who you are and where you are going. Don’t grasp at the first idea that comes your way. Jot it down. Live with it. Proceed to seek out as many new directions as possible, with your goal being the pursuit of happiness.

Every painting, writing, and photograph is a direct reflection of you…no one else. Talk to it in your journal. Ask it what it’s really telling you about yourself.

My above painting started with turquoise, but ended up being about Island Caves. These hidden treasures hold directions for my thoughts, art, and focus. I’ve also learned to do intuitive paintings right after planned ones to really tap into Consciousness. There’s gold waiting to be learned as you create, ask, and write.

This works for anything you want to achieve in this New World that’s being created right before your eyes. Old ways are past. Let them go and with curiosity, seek the new. Find your way, deepen your practice, and create a happy life in this time of opportunities.

Be sure you’re signed up at Pat Gullett Designs to keep receiving Art Tips, free videos, and inspiration. Let me know what you do to deepen your practice. How are you feeling during these changing times? What do you do to keep moving forward?

A video to inspire you today! Enjoy! ‘Primrose Lake’

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