The Tempest, This is as dark as I get, All my energy poured into this quickly, It painted itself
The Best way to move from dark to light is by doing art. I did ‘The Tempest’ last Wed when I felt really down and sad. And I don’t get ‘down’ very often!
When you feel this way you are ‘reacting’ to the world, other people, and events that have already past. ‘Reacting’ is really ‘resisting’ life. It’s holding yourself back.
Staying ‘stuck’ is not a place you want to be for long. It eats at you internally, creates stress hormones that ravage your body, and does nothing to change the situation that got you there! This is not your home. Do not dwell there since depressions eats off of itself. It is a vampire that sucks your energy and creates more anger, sadness, and depression.
Your purpose for Being in this one glorious, precious life you have created at this time, is to experience adventure, grow as a person, love your people, and make yourself happy. You absolutely have choice in the kind of life you want to live every day.
Making art changes everything. You bring yourself into the Present Moment. When you engage in the act of creating something, you are coming from a place of mindfulness. In hands on doing, you consciously move forward in life. This is taking control as you step away from the world craziness ‘out there’, where you really have no power. Instead, take the inner journey into the Art Landscape of the heart. Here’s where your power lies. You make things happen.
Doing art is choosing Life. This is especially true when your art reflects your personal world around you. Art is meaningful as you paint/draw/create using your view from the window. Work from pictures of beauty you have captured. Walk in nature for inspiration. Here you move your energy. You go forward as one art piece leads to another. Become unstuck and feel flow. Get back your power as you create your world.
The best way to move from dark to light last Wednesday, was to make art. I had to just stop the deep sadness I felt, and paint. Energy flows where I place my focus. A palette of colors from the last painting was already out, so I used those. This painting, The Tempest, practically painted itself! It came together quickly as I just brushed on colors, made strokes with different brushes, and blended along the way.
When I finally stepped back to see what I had, I surprised myself! It was done. And I liked it. People have since told me they love the energy of this piece, and that they could feel the power. Best of all, I felt lighter for doing it. I had shifted from the dark to the light. And you can, too! I wish you could feel the power of creation in doing art. It’s amazing, healing, and satisfying.
That’s why I want to encourage you to take advantage of these last 2 days to sign up at Dragonfly Art & Mentorship Program at the lowest price ever! Sept 1st, it will go up. Plus I’ll be closing the doors for awhile to immerse in my art again. It’s a great opportunity to work with me, to get art lessons, inspiration, downloadable resources, and learn about other artists in a simple art way every Monday. Give it a try. Step away from the vampire world and create your inner Art Sanctuary. Ask me anything about it on this page. Hope to get to know you there.