how art play moved me through

How Art Play Moved Me Through 5 days without power

Art Play is the Light in the Dark

How Art Play moved me through started with small paintings, little sketchbook projects to keep my mind away from thinking. I mixed colors, tried new combinations, and compared different brands of the same color. I learned a lot. As a matter of fact, I learned so much about myself, my iphone, internet connections, and apps through this entire experience.

Again the world out there was the unknown. No power, no internet, no t.v., leaves you grasping for connection. At the top of the road, my husband’s android gave him emails, but my iphone wouldn’t. Days later I learned of a Cellular Data button that had to be on that allowed roaming. It overides the local cable that is out of communication. I couldn’t even send texts, at this point.

Our generator saved us. About 9 years ago, with some extra money I received, I insisted on getting the generator. Most of the years it was never needed, but occasionally we’d lose power for awhile and it took care of all the necessities like food in the refrig and freezer. This time was the test. Hot showers, propane cooking, fans spinning saved the day.

Art became my Light in the dark, my generator for the soul. How art play moved me through began by bringing me into my inner world. Here I had power. I immersed myself into making art. With the small projects daily, I also worked on a large canvas.

Four days of layers gradually brought it around to a major work for me. I tried new brushes, mixed new colors, and found to make water look true, I had to move like it. My strokes became the essence itself. I became the water.

How does art play move you through your darkest times? It’s a wonderful healing act that affects you whole body, as well as your feelings, soul, and heart.

Art in the making is Transformative in its power.

But it must be experienced to be understood.

As the hurricane howled through the forest, cracking huge trees left and right, my studio became my inner sanctuary. Allow art to do that for you. Step away from the outside world and see how to thrive with art play. Find out more at Dragonfly Art Program, the heart of play, experiments, and discovery.

Share with us your art play experiences. I’m glad to be back. Thanks for being here. Now to return to my New Normal Pandemic life.

how art play moved me through

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