3 ways to empower your creativity

3 Ways To Empower Your Creativity

Oil Painting On Paper, oil paint sticks, Treeline

3 Ways to Empower your creativity always begins with the world around you. Remember when you created art as a kid? If you were lucky, and had parents who encouraged art making, your free spirit was released to color, draw, and shape. Your whole body moved with each thing you made. You’d build up the courage to freely make your mark everywhere: paper, mud, sand, and sidewalk. The art flew out of your body, hand, and movement with little to no thinking involved. This was true freedom.

Return to the senses of seeing life with fresh eyes. Artists smell the seasons, see the shifting colors on land and sky, and feel the hidden world of rocks, trees, and roots. Explore the textures of life around you. Be curious as to how to interpret rough, smooth, and soft in your art. Look deeply at your world with all the senses.

The Second of the 3 ways to empower your creativity is to ask Why do you create? Discover what you want to get out of it. Ask how you feel about each act of creativity. Get to know yourself and what you love to do. Exploring many media and techniques will lead you to your favorites. Dedicate some time and space each week to being creative. Value and nurture your creative Source.

Make an art space to explore your way, your colors, and your inner voice. Ask what to do next, and then listen. Be aware of connecting to inspired answers floating around in the universal consciousness of energy.

Creativity is about discovering your own ways of working. What do you love? Working in clay, brushing and blending color, or drawing detailed renderings? Ask your inner knowing self, what triggers a part of you that feels like home. This is what you do naturally in some part of life anyway. Trust and discover your innate abilities. Plus, see Art as Play.

Thirdly, ideas, inspiration, and excitement must be implemented. Therefore, thoughts are just wishes until you manifest them in materials and form. Re-enter the world of the imagination and be the inventor of your art and life. Here lives fun, humor, and the magic that every artist seeks. As children, we were born to create, invent, and explore. This is how humans have evolved forever.

So, Make the mark, pour the paint, and follow your own path. Plus, too many of us just copy someone else. You don’t wish you could paint like someone else. Discover how to paint like YOU. Always ask how would I do this? This empowers your work, creates original authentic art, and fills you with personal satisfaction.

Let’s play like kids again. This is what the Dragonfly Art & Mentorship weekly program is all about. Every project guides you on a path to discover how you would do it. Do the process that I demo and not copy what I do, to find your true artist within. Each bit of information is a tool to apply to your way of creating. Does this sound interesting to you? Are you brave and ready to forge your Artist’s Journey? I’d love to know what you think and have you on this creative journey together! Join us today.

Play like a child again! Enjoy Aelita Andre and her freeing painting style.

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