How to Feel Creative When Not Inspired

how to feel creative
Summer Solstice Peaks, done in a FB Live

How to feel Creative when not inspired begins when you stop telling yourself that you’re not inspired. Your body believes every word you say. “I don’t feel like it.” or “I’m waiting for inspiration to hit,” will never get your creative juices flowing.

In fact, these thoughts will keep you stuck in the dark universe of nothingness. Instead, get some art supplies and just doodle as you rephrase your negative vibes.

The ancient Romans called inspiration the Muse, the actual word being ‘genius’. Thinking of it, the creative ‘spark’, as outside of yourself, allows you to call upon it. Say, ‘Hey, genius, I’m here, showing up with paint/pastels/pencils in hand. I’m just going to make my mark and invite you in to guide my path.’

The second attitude to hold is knowing that with anything I create, I’m either going to win or learn. Inspired creativity may show up or not. Either way, I’m moving forward on my creative path.

How to feel creative when not inspired in the words of Master Artists

This is why we hear creators like Neil Gaiman, going into his studio every morning to be there writing whatever comes to mind. He writes down every idea that enters his mind. Often he asks, ‘What if…’. No distractions are allowed during this dedicated writing time. He creates time and space to invite inspiration in daily.

Let’s recall the the novelist Somerset Maugham, a famous English playwright, who spoke of inspiration: “I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.”

Create something every day, as a visual diary. Some will be great, some will teach you new things. But you’ll develop a practice, a rhythm to your life, and your body will recognize it when you start. Be ruled by your actions instead of waiting for a flash of light, or a feeling of some mystical motivation.

make motivation follow action. Jude King, Phd

In conclusion, we will feel creative when we create. Our job as an artist is to show up every day. Make our marks. Blend colors, arrange shapes next to each other, and interpret the life around us. Record this day in your precious life in living color, fresh marks, and scribbles. It will be a life worth living.

Join me at the Art of Pat Gullett Designs as I create FB Lives every Friday at 2:00. Join us at Dragonfly Art Studio to know when the doors of Creativity Open Again, and get Sunday Art Tips plus Free Classes. Be a part of our community to be creative and let inspiration find you.

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