Coastal Waters, See Video of the making of it at Dragonfly Art Club
Doing Art is What You Think it Is: Attitude is Everything
Doing Art is what you think it is, as is everything you do. Your attitude, learned in every past experience, has shaped your viewpoint on all things. Especially when people you looked up to, parents, teachers, counselors, gave you their opinions based on false assumptions on their part. They wanted you to be realistic, make money, and find an established success path according their beliefs.
In addition, they made you think art had to measure up to some unknown standard, compete with the famous artists, be really good every time, and sell in order to be great. Let’s be realistic. Art, and we, are a work in progress. Neither is perfect, ever.
These beliefs then planted themselves deep within your psyche. Let’s gently replace the self doubt, fear, and inner critic with confidence, self love, and patience. The good news is, this is an inside job.
Plus, imagining failure is worse than actually creating a catastrophe. Thinking the worst will stop you before you even start! That’s the ‘blank canvas block’ artists face.
Instead, talk to your inner critic about starting, or evaluating your art, as though they are a scared little creature outside yourself. They are never ‘I’. I is the one who wants to explore, have fun, and just be their creative self.
Plus, ‘they’, you may give them a name at this point (Pamela), are afraid little aspects, who don’t want to disappoint, look stupid, or make garbage. Pamela actually has protected you all your life from those exact things at school, in your home, and work. She helped you ‘fit in’.
But they are doom to the creative process. First of all, call them out. Start a narrative with them. Ask them what they’re thinking today. Assure them all you do will be just for fun. Tell them you both are just going to Play today.
I’ve had those feelings pop up all my life, especially self doubt and patience. However, my best way to deal with them is to just do it, stick them in the back seat, and take them along for the ride. Go away to a huge university at the age of 17. Teach high school as a career at 21. Later, move across country to live in Connecticut, a place I’d never even visited before. Next, Create online classes without a ‘team’. And now do FB Lives every week! Yes, that’s the next big hurdle.
I want to get so good at doing them that they become easy and second nature. Yet, tough to say considering my first one, done awhile ago, appeared sideways and could not be righted no matter what. In each case, I just did the best I could do.
My goal is to connect with all of you. Imagine, it will be like a classroom in my studio. We can talk to each other. You can ask questions. I miss the connection to each of you most of all. I’d love your input. I’ve taught everything over the years. What would you like to see?
Moreover, I always engaged my students so that they found it interesting, and personal. Talk to me, paint with me. Come home to art. Let’s do that together. This will be held at Dragonfly Art Club, the Free FB Group. I’ll let you know days & times on my FB Art of Pat Gullett Designs page. This is a work in progress.
Sign up to the Dragonfly Membership is put on hold for the time being. I was so saddened about world affairs, I had to get a step back to find myself. In the meantime, I heard Mike Dooley talk about George FLoyd, and ask: What doe love call you to do? My answer to all life’s challenges has always been to make art. Create beauty. Take the inner journey and balance out the world ‘out there’. Emotions have a ripple effect. More outrage doesn’t calm outrage. Stay safe, create love, make art.
What does love call YOU to do? Great question. There are no ‘shoulds’ here….no judgement calls, no justice….just you and your thoughts. Share them on our page below and let’s help each other through the tough times. Much love to you all.